Journal services

We offer extensive expertise to develop and manage your journals, launch new titles, respond decisively to changes to the publishing landscape, and understand allied issues such as copyright, licensing, Open Access and more.

We work with a broad range of stakeholders in scholarly journals publishing – including researchers, societies, journal owners, research institutions and organisations. With more than 20 years experience, we have the wisdom and the acumen to help you reach your goals.

Testimonials from our satisfied clients underline the value of our work.

You may have questions such as:

  • How do I develop the scope and direction of my journal?
  • How can I best develop and update my journal’s Instructions to Authors policies?
  • How do I manage the editorial structure and workflows?
  • How do I increase submissions to my journal?
  • How do I get my journal listed in MEDLINE, PubMed and PubMed Central?
  • How do I get listed in Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports, to receive an Impact Factor?
  • How do I increase the Impact Factor of my journal? (Check out our related blog post)
  • How do I attract a wider readership for my journal?
  • How do I engage readers more often and for longer?
  • How do I keep abreast of the many developments in scholarly publishing and which ones should I prioritise?
  • Should my journal use post-publication peer review?
  • What are the operational, editorial and financial implications of Open Access for my journal?
  • How do I derive full value from my next Request for Proposals (RFP) process?
  • How do I best implement developments in social media and author-level marketing to promote my journal?
  • What are the impacts of national funding agency Open Access mandates on my journal?
  • What are the potential impacts of the ‘cOAlition S’ group’s ‘Plan S’ initiative?
  • How do the developments in research data impact on my journal’s submissions and articles?

Our Journal Services support you in optimising every aspect of your journal, by helping you to understand its current status and guiding you to achieve its future success.

We offer the products described below, but can also work with you to tailor a package to your specific requirements.

Contracts and Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

We have wide-ranging experience from both publishers’ and clients’ perspectives with journal contracts and Requests for Proposals. If you are considering partnering with a commercial publisher, let us help you negotiate the best deal and derive the best value possible for your society.

Journal Healthcheck

Before making strategic decisions about your journal, it is important to understand its current situation. If you are in the process of implementing change, it is crucial that you have the means to assess your progress. Using data specific to your journal, we focus on the finer details before considering the bigger picture – scrutinising performance across several key metrics and then comparing your journal to its closest competitors. For ongoing data tracking, we offer a comprehensive Journal Dashboard. Whether used as a starting point or as a method for tracking progress, a Journal Healthcheck will give your journal solid foundations and a launching pad for future action.

Journal Operations Optimisation

Through careful examination of your journal’s workflows, we assess the efficiency and effectiveness of each process alone and in combination. From manuscript submission to editorial and production processes, we pick apart each step, pinpoint areas of weakness and make recommendations for improvement. Journal Operations Optimisation sets a solid foundation on which to build a more successful journal.

Journal Development Plan

A successful and sustainable journal requires active development. We work with you to define your goals and to set short-term and long-term targets for your journal. This forms the basis of an integrated plan that combines regular data monitoring – using a Journal Dashboard – with a concrete course of action. Using a positive feedback loop of review, planning and implementation, our Journal Development Plans enable you to achieve your objectives.

We have many years experience building and developing journals – across a broad range of subject areas, under different business models, and for a wide variety of clients.

Contact us to find out how we can help you.